By San Antonio Standard Report |
Aug 22, 2023
This week, Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20), Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) Chair Nanette Barragán, Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia (TX-29), Congressman Tony Cárdenas (CA-29), Congresswoman Veronica Escobar (TX-16), and 23 additional CHC members sent a letter to the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) demanding a full and transparent investigation into the intentional separation of migrant families at the hands of the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). The letter also requested that both agencies take necessary measures to prevent this cruel practice and ensure that families can remain together. This letter comes following multiple reports that DPS is arresting and incarcerating men who arrive in the United States and separating them from their families as part of Operation Lone Star.